“We thrive ourselves on teaching the children of our service, our future, the appropriate hygiene standards needed in life. Unfortunately our service cannot provide hot water for hand washing (unless boiling a kettle counts) for after toileting, before eating, after having a hands on artistic experience or just before creating and during a cooking experience for others to enjoy. We as a community looked at different options before deciding upon a hand sanitizer. We spent several weeks looking for such a product before deciding we would try your product “hands first” in the pump form. Our decision came down to the ingredients used in their product, remembering that all our children in care have young delicate skin that can be sensitive to many things. Mountain Kidz have over 60 children using the service with each of them wanting to be the sanitiser squirter/hand washing police/helpers for the session. Our children NOW always want to wash their hands with some children pretending they haven’t washed theirs just to get a second go usually just because they love the feel of it and the texture it gives.” We are ready to purchase our 2nd carton and must say it has been very economical, no paper towel or water wastage. Huge plus to our environment. We are very HAPPY with this product because it does its job, OUR children USE it! And even better WANT to use it!”
Lucy Hughes, Coordinator of Mountain Kids OOSH & Vacation Care (NSW)